Sunday, August 12, 2012

Network Engineer Interview Questions

Network engineer interview questions are asked to the candidates, who are seeking to sit for the interview of a network engineer. After evaluating the essential traits such as educational qualifications, professional skills and knowledge of conducting diverse network engineering procedures, a concerned department can hire the qualified contender.

Sample Network Engineer Interview Questions:

  • Tell us something about the strengths and weaknesses of your candidature.
  • Explain the major job responsibilities of a network engineer.
  • How do you rate your overall professional experience as a network engineer?
  • What do you understand by an operating system? Differentiate between LINUX and UNIX.
  • Name the security programs do you prefer over the others to secure data and intranet.
  • How many types of a network problems are there generally faced by the users? Name the troubleshooting tools do you use to repair such technical issues.
  • Explain the importance of networking emergency system. How do you install, configure and upgrade network security programs?
  • Tell us about the networking data retrieval system. How does this application help in retracing the lost data?
  • Name the equipments and devices widely used to plan the network system of an organization.
  • Tell us any two techniques used for maintaining the official network system of an organization.
  • Differentiate between the network malfunctioning and network crashing? Tell us how can you control these problems?
  • Tell us a situation where you worked to establish a network system but due to an unrecognized problem, this project was failed.
  • What are your salary expectations from this job profile?

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