Thursday, July 19, 2012

Customer Service Planner Interview Questions

Customer service planner interview questions are for those people who are going to sit in an interview for a customer service planner post. A customer service planner works as a key link between customers and the company. His work is to interact with the customer in person or by any other medium to let them know about the products and services of company and to address their complaints or any other problems.

Sample Customer Service Planner Interview Questions

  1. Please tell us something about your experience in customer service field?
  2. This job requires excellent communication skills, what do you have to say about your communication skills.
  3. Can you tell us some of your prior projects or clients where you were successful to make a good deal due to your communication skills?
  4. What ethics and norms one should follow in customer service planner career?
  5. In a given situation, where company does not want to loose an important customer but he is unsatisfied with company’s services, how you will handle the situation?
  6. What are those day-to-day challenges or problems a customer service planner has to face in today’s competitive environment?
  7. Can you tell us some of those tough clients or projects you have managed in your past jobs?
  8. What is your knowledge about our company’s customer service planning policies and do you have any suggestions to improve it?
  9. What salary do you expect from this job?
  10. What is your knowledge in product packaging, shipping post purchasing claims and in other inventory related matters?

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